Monday, March 12, 2012

Molothrus ater

The specific eptithet, ater, comes from the Latin, past tense. A sentence using ater in Latin would read like, Moluthrus ater ater mio semen. Or something like that.

In any event, these dang vermin are messing up the Bosom Brotherhoods bird feeding enjoyment. How can we enjoy feeding the birds when we know these particular cowbirds are eating our seed all up? And to what end do these cowbirds put the energy derived from our seed? Easy that, these boys use our seed to make sperm. Sperm that may eventually unite with an ovum that may be deposited in the nest of some hapless songbird that is fixing to go extinct. And if the hapless songbird goes extinct, whose fault will that be? Maybe Crumby's, maybe Ray's, maybe your fault.

Take the dern feeders down! When the cowbirds show up.


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