Friday, October 19, 2012

Are Insects Infinite To Personal Experience?

Many feel like they shall never experience all the insects that shall occur in a limited space, like a backyard, over a period of say, 50 years.  That is because insects are infinite to personal experience.  Or, there is no way that one person may learn or observe all the insects.  Course, some might quibble.  You know, if the space one observes insects in is super limited, like say the insdie of a toaster oven, then given that limited space, the active entomologist could probably espy all the insect species that occur in the toaster oven, especially over a fifty year interval.  But of course we are now discussing insects distributed in nature or a facsimile thereof,  not the insides of a toaster over for Goddess sakes.

Eublemma recta

High falluting philosophy aside, we find that new insects turn up at the CB very often.  In a good week, we may espy multiple insects we don't remember .   That's why we try to photograph all of them.  So we can have a record to check against when we suspect a new species has been encountered.   Like this little yet handsome moth that was espied for the first time a week or two ago.


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