Monday, October 15, 2012

Stinky Valley BVs On Lunch Break

Actually, your bv eats and works simultaneously.  That's a bvs job.  Eating.  Yet one seldom encounters a fat bv.  Can't say that about humanoids.  Noper.  Fatties galore.

But espy this.  Apparently, some bvs may boss other bvs around.  Like the boss bv can tell the other bvs when they get to eat/work.  Then eventually, the entire deer is et up, no muss, no fuss. 

Gee.  I sure hope the depicted meal is deceased. 

Another interesting thing is, this scene occurred this morning along Ernest Robles Way.  Besides the shown bvs, a great many more were perched atop a nearby fence.  So many bvs were present, maybe 40, and so close to the road, that traffic was stopping.  How amazing is that?  People noticing something besides themselves.


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