Monday, December 30, 2013

Round and Round and Round It Goes

And where it stops, nobody knows.

Could this passel of  homespun dogma apply to tiny Planet Earth?  Probably not.  The homespun are too ignorant to think globally.  So they would not have made any dogma with planet-scale applications.

Yet we, meaning everybody we know, are embarked on a seemingly perpetual loop around Ogma Sunface, that red hot thermal furnace suspended in close proximity, outer space.  Round and round and round we go.  Where shall we stop?  Nobody knows.  No.  Nobody knows.

Maybe, there's no stopping.  I mean, part of us could keep going, always, no matter what.  Even out of orbit.  What, if most of some part of us actually left orbit?  Goodness!

The truth is,  now is a tough time for Druids.  Our new year began back on December 22nd of the Julian.  Therefore, we are well along on our annual journey.  But almost everyone else, Julian users, are biding time, waiting for the journey to commence.

If the universe was fair, all this would mean that Druids have a head start on the regular dumbasses.  But the universe is not fair.  Not by homespun notions anyway.   So instead of getting a nice head start, the Druids must wait around for everyone to get ready for the New Year.  Thus, we can all go ahead on together,  Mercy!


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