Monday, April 14, 2014

Aitor Inox

Crumby could not resist this multi-tool of Spanish manufacture maybe, which he espied on EBAY.  The tang on the main blade reads Aitor Inox Spain (visible at highest magnification).  The logo is satisfactorily goofy yet mysterious.

Besides the open tools visible, two backspring tools are closed up; a five loop cork puller, and a reamer. They are not open becasue Crumby could not open them while the other tools were open; not without potentially cutting off an arm or leg.  The long backspring tool that is open seems to be a nail file.  Featured scale tools are the usual tweezer and a toothpick, both located under the bail.

The  logo aside, the coolest feature of this knife or tool is the fish scaler.   That's because the scaler has the best rule Crumby has ever seen on this type knife.  The metric side is great. A naturalist could actually use this rule to measure this or that out in the wild.

Meantime though, that same average naturalist would struggle with the miserable can opener.  Crumby was barely able to pry open a can of tomato sauce, a small can at that.  It's the worst can opener of Crumby's experience.  The scissors aren't any count either, too much play in the pivot blade.   Nor did some pounding on the scissor rivet with a 4oz hammer do any good, so far.  Those scissors will barely cut paper.

As for the other tools, Crumby has not tried them out yet.  But the saw and the fish scaler are of comparable sharpness, a bad sign.  The blades, and the saw, however, appear unsharpened, although the main blade has a bunch of scratches.  Maybe they will sharpen up and be OK.  We shall espy all that, anon. Maybe this multi-tool just needs work.


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