Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Water Swing

Multitudes may recall how the lesser goldfinches at the CB learned to drink out of beer cans strung on wire from watching the migratory Baltimore orioles. The beer cans were strung on the wire over hummingbird feeders to deter ants.  The holes in the bottoms of the cans where the wires went through were glued with gorilla glue.  Eventually, after a year or two,  they all started leaking.  So gradually, Crumby or Ray stopped filling them up.  Cause the water leaked out.

The lesser goldfinches liked to drink out of those beer cans.  Pissed off that they no longer had any water, the goldfinches stopped hanging around.  We missed them.  So Ray fixed up a water swing.  It's taken a spell, but now the goldfinches are fixing to come back.  Here's one working his way down the swing wire to the beer can.

The water swing is made by drilling holes in a slim board for the ends of the wire, and gluing four half beer cans to the board.  Those are two Tecates, a Foster and a Modelo Especial.  Larger beer cans are superior in every way.

This is a terrible quality picture taken with an Olympus e620 before sunrise.  Those Olympus cameras are still comparatively worthless in low light.


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