Friday, July 15, 2005

Raymone's Word du Jour - Inextricable

Inextricable adj. - forming a maze or tangle from which it is impossible to get free

Why of late have we, the Druidry in these parts, been spelling one myth after another.

Easy that. Nature and myth are inextricably linked, and as goes one, so goes the other.

Consider our new mythmaker Lomo sapien, whose apelike physique, dietary habits, rudimentary speech and arboreal acrobatics, belie a genuis with all things electrical and astronomical.

Today, another Lomo was espied at the Wheless Preserve, roaring along at supersonic speed. The myth leaps and bounds.

Two other myths to consider tonight, Noah the Arkite and Mayauel the Goddess of Strong Drink. Everyone knows about Noah. Some even say the Welsh first received the gift of pigs directly from Noah, when one day he came sailing by in his great ark, and the Ark Druid of the Cymry stood out upon the shore and hollered at Noah, "I could sure use me a pig er two". Whereupon hearing that plaintive holler, Noah tossed two pigs into the sea that swam ashore and these pigs became boon companions to the Druidry of those parts.

Then there was Mayauel, a farmer's wife who went into the fields where she espied a mouse. But the mouse was walking in circles, talking to hisself and laughing. Then the mouse, thoroughly engaged in walking in circles, talking to hisself and laughing, was suddenly felled fast asleep. This particular mouse, Mayauel noted had been eating of the maguey cactus, so she gathered up the juice of the maguey and gave it to her husband, Xochipilli, and saved some for herself as well. Surprisingly, Mayauel found that the maguey juice made Xochipilli cuter than he had been previously.


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