Saturday, October 22, 2005

Rayetta's Commentary on Cuhulian Wastes Away

Hmmm. What the heck was Red trying to tell us in the preceeding? Generally speaking, the old knucklehead's stories have a moral, but this one is very confusing, to me. I'll have to ask Ray about Cuhulian if he ever.........Wait a minute. Ray is acting just like Cu did after Cu couldn't kill those birds for Eithne. Yepper, I undertand now.

Pwyll Prince of Dyfed, don't you know, had an experience similar to Cu's. Only he went out hunting deer instead of chasing birds and wound up spending a whole year with the Queen of Annwn and slept with her every night of that year and never laid a hand on her. Pwyll wasn't even married so if he had known the queen in the usual way in bed he would have only been fornicating and not even committing adultery. Wait a minute. The queen was married so she would have been committing adultery, but Pwyll was not married so he would have only been fornicating. Is that correct? Well, it's not important.

The important point is that the Queen of Annwn was supposedly very confused by all this because Pwyll had been shape shifted to look exactly like her real husband Arawn and there he was snoring and snarking away in bed next to her for a whole year like some old dog that's used to sleeping with the people. Now let's see, is this worse or better than what Eithne had to put up with?

Another interesting point is that the Queen of Annwn is never named in these old spells. The King of Annwn has a name, Arawn, but the queen doesn't. Yet everyone knows who the real boss is in Arawn and also that She wouldn't put up with such Tom foolery as Pwyll's, and Arawn's for that matter, for a minute if such Tom foolery didn't serve Her fancy. I see in both these stories much heresy, but less heresy in Cu Wastes Away than in Pwyll Prince of Dyfed.

I could have more to say on this subtopic anon, maybe.

the LDR


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