Monday, October 17, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

I, Ray have lost my nerve, due to one panic attack too many.


Yepper. One too many. And ye may not think so, but it takes quite a lot to spook me; but matters of personal honor, in conflict with my religion will do it every time. Self interest in conflict with personal honor and/or my religion will do it too. And all three (personal honor, self interest and religion) are at the root of that panic attack that got my attention in the not so wee hours this morning. So I have, from being so badly spooked, done some fairly serious temporary editing here on this topic "Red's Good Vs. Evil Cow Barn".

The Crumby Ovate has a plan though. So far it's not a great plan, but as RS says, "There's always Hope." Coincidentally, Hope is also the name of one of the COs old girlfriends.

To whit:

Yippee. Druid Environmental shall return anon, much like unto, a phoenix, or even much as a bad penny, but in a different format than of old, maybe.


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