Monday, October 17, 2005

Cuhulian Wastes Away (continued)

Cu sat in the great hall (greater by far than Conchubur's place in Emuin Machae) fer what might have been a great while or a good while or even a short while, and all that time Cu got to watch the various shows and acts to his heart's content with no interruptions. And at last, based on his own personal observations he felt he understood how dogs throw their barks and he no longer felt aggrieved by or fearful of ventriloquist dogs. Also, the topless clog dancers periodically tapping by with a fresh Dolmen er two was a nice touch. So Cu was, for the nonce, happy and contented.

But then he felt a hand on his shoulder that indeed spanned his neck and fetched up on the other shoulder. Cu afelt the hand all right and craned about to look at the owner of this prodigious hand, that this prodigious hand was attached thereto, and Cu espied Gog, or substantial parts thereof.

"Unhand me varlot, or verily my distemper will come upon me and then we shall see who handles whom!" Cu yelped.

"All righty then young pup, course I will unhand ye fer the sake of Ms. Fand who be expectin' ye anon and don't hold with scrappin' in the lobby. We ken, save it fer later." (Note: In the old versions of all these mysteries, the sun god, represented here by Cu, and the male surrogate of the WG, here represented by Gog, would fight to the death and the sun god would always win, always. It's a cyclical thing with the sun god replacin' the wore out old boyfriend of the WG, only to be replaced later on, in his turn. But Gog is special, and besides, Cu, as we shall soon see, does not quite matriculate). So all the fightin' that amounted to, was some arm froggin' on the way to Ms. Fand's parlor. This was the manner of the arm froggin'. First Gog frogged Cu such a blow that all the dogs in Ulster howled at once. Then Cu frogged Gog such a blow that the leaves on all the trees in Ulster turned colour. But then they, the twain of them, both Gog and Cu arrived at Ms. Fand's parlor, and the both of them thinking "Owwwwww", but not saying it out loud.

"Beggin' yer pardon Ms. Fand, this be the Hound, as it were, that ye requested be brought to yer attention, or Setanta as he may preferred to be called.", Gog stated by way of introduction to Ms. Fand, the important Banshee queen. Then Gog politely turned to Cu and explained, "Setanta, this be Ms. Fand, the important Banshee queen that has requested yer companionship. Now by yer leave I shall embark on other trials and tribulations". Then Gog winked at Cu and by way of a departing shot allowed, "Don't do nothin', I aint already!"

But Cu was not hearing or seeing any of that. He was done spelled by Ms. Fand and on his way to further adventure. Nor did Cu reckon much when Eithne hollered out, "Don't go!", fer she was a long ways off.

to be continued by

Red Ears


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