Thursday, October 20, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

King Ranch bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum)

This introduced grass, supposedly native to central and east Asia, is, next to impacts from lyin' and gluttony, the greatest threat to the native herbaceous flora of central Texas. Here's a bit of it outlined by one meter length, homemade, PVC wands. If ye arrange the wands thusly, ye obtain a one meter square. So ye might say then, ye have a square meter, or even, yea verily, a meter square. How many meter wands are required to make a square? Four!.

But can one use these particular wands to insure that all the school children will have a bathroom to go to when school opens every year? Poor little school children, the engineers workin' on the school improvements forgot to get the bathroom poopy lines done up in time for school to start. Where ever can the poor little chitlins lay their skitters. Those bad engineers.

So, by way of summary, KR bluestem and incogitant sewage facilities are two good reasons not to move to central Texas and two good reasons to move away if you are already here.


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