Saturday, October 15, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

Jeez Louise. Carl Pope is after us fer a donation to save the Endangered Species Act again. Near as I can tell, the only parts of the Act that would be retained under the revised edition promoted by House Resources Chairman Richard Pombo (R-CA) would be the parts where all the government biologists get to keep their jobs, maybe, until they die off.

Well, I'm sure Red will probably donate somethin'. But how many times can ye go to the same well before it runs dry. Having lost the lyin' war to the developers, so ably represented by Jumbo Pombo and thousands more just like 'em, we once again lower the bucket into the same well, hoping that our sawbuck will persuade Senator Chaffee (R-NH) to spare the Act, one more time.

I do hope lotsa regular people still care about nature, as opposed to golf, but I am afraid that the only people who are involved in the process anymore, are those with a vested financial interest in the process. Or, perhaps private landowners who would like to keep nature around as a hobby will save the little wonders in Texas.

As always though, there is much doubt whether much public access to nature, will ever be affordable in these parts.


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