Sunday, October 16, 2005

RGVECB on a Bill Moyers Reflection

"Many had a hand in strangling the Green Revolution", in what passes for a daily newspaper in these parts, October 16, '05, Insight section.

Seems like Bill and Ray had similar thoughts yesterday. Not surprising that, since the war for and against the WG is one of the main themes of this topic. A quote from Bill's article:

If the Green Revolution is a bloody pulp today, it is not just because the environmental movement mugged itself. It is because the corporate, political and religious right ganged up on it in the back alleys of power. Big companies fund a relentless assault on green values and policies. Political ideologues launch countless campaigns to strip from government all its functions except those that reward their rich benefactors.

This is fairly accurate. However, we should not overlook the effort made by some in the corporate world to appear green (public relations). The picture just to the south indicates a vehicle donated by one of our automobile manufacturers to one of our environmental groups and was taken at the "hand over the keys" festivities a winter or two ago.

Yep, ganged up on. Every project that comes along is so important to someone rich that it needs to be expedited, and the rules need to be bent and there is something so crucial to that particular project that western civilization hangs in the balance. For example, "If you don't immediately bless our waste water line, children won't be able to go to the bathroom when school opens." The lady engineer simpered. And the developer and his consultant and the rest of the engineers in the room agreed or stared with concerned, sad expressions on their faces. Jeez Louise.

Meantime, in these parts, all these expedited projects especally the big ones (and everyone of them is crucial to the survival of western civilization as we know it) are often, probably usually, financed by foreign capital and constructed with foreign labor, mostly at a wage of $9.00 per hour or less, way less, maybe. Do you think this is what is happening in New Orleans right now?

Maybe, in the end, it will come down to the liars and gluttons versus the WG. Yikes!


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