Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Hobbies are another Type of Displacement Behavior - Erect Image Prisms

Remember! Displacement behavior is an entirely inappropriate response to a stimuli, like falling down on yer back and exposing yer throat to an attacking poisonous shrew. Hobbies are like that too in the sense that they substitute one series of behaviors for others that would be more appropriate. For example, I really should be assassinating evil-doers since I know who they are and I know they need killin'. But instead, to keep my mind off assassination, I do hobbies.

Remember too! Repressive desublimation is when you are convinced, often subliminally, by stimuli, that you have desublimated yerself by pursuing a hobby. To use a really crass example, you buy an erect image processor because it was advertised in a magazine and the ad featured a nearly naked human or proto human of the opposite sex, and you think to yerself, I can use this to view naked or nearly naked humans or proto humans of the opposite sex, or even the same sex, maybe, and the image will be right side up and oriented properly left to right. And I will be a better person for doing this.

Which brings up the subtopic of erect image prisms. The end of paragraph two, right above the closing spell, is what these do.
Use yer telescope like a spotting scope! The image will be right side up and oriented left to right just like in a spotting scope that costs thousands more than the thousands yer telescope(s) has already cost.
But, you will learn if you do some research, that what is achieved in left to right imaging is negated by a loss in image quality and that you should never, ever, ever, use your erect image prism to look at the stars. For that (looking at the stars) you need a star diagonal.

But back to the subtopic, erect image prisms, sometimes called image erecting prisms. The spells
erect and erecting
are, of course, aimed at teenage boy astronomers where they undoubtedly produce the desired results. Anyway, I only have one of these erect image prisms, and now I want another one. The one I have only fits one of my telescopes, it is dedicated in that respect, and therefore really annoying. Also, even it did fit my other telescopes, it is, to put things in proper focus, not much count. So that's two reasons (excuses might be the spell the ladies might use)that I want another one.

You see, the RGVECB Lomo 95 catadioptric telescope is, under the proper environmental conditions and with the right eyepieces, capable of producing magnifications in excess of 100x and you can actually see the subject really well if you can get the telescope mount to settle down. But that's another issue. However, the images produced, are upside down and reversed. Note: (Peeps, apparently running around upside down are pretty funny, in fact they are downright hilarious, but you are supposed to be identifying the peeps and not just laughing at their upside down antics. Besides they actually run in the opposite direction you think they will). If you are crazy, and want to keep track of them this way, you can practice moving the alt-az handle in the same direction the upside down and backwards peeps are apparently moving. But if you are like me, this produces affectations of the noggin akin to the delerium trimmins' and you will soon have to go somewhere away from the scope and rest. You may even feel the need to vamoose yer insides out.

So once again we return to the subtopic erection image prisms. The very first ones we know about were those produced in the Biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah many moons ago. Only one survived the destruction of those evil cities. The one survivor was in the posession of Lot who had it on the very telescope he employed to watch his disobedient wife get turned into a pillar of salt. Later this same one fetched up in Japan, or maybe Italy, and served as the model for all the modern day telescope prisms we have today including the Don Amici prism from Italy, maybe.

Somehow, Badgemagus Swineherd, Phd. acquired some notes Lot wrote up pertaining to his (Lot's) erection image prism, which by the way, Lot spelled as pwism, no doubt giving rise to those wags who still insist to this very day on pronouncing the spell prism, as pwism. Lot, according to Badgemagus' translation, found that his erection pwism did indeed produce correctly oriented images and that his wife appeared as a salt statue, upright and and with her(its) Eastern Star broach pinned over her(its) left bosom just as it always had been pinned over her left bosom in her (its) life. So the things (erection pwisms) worked as they were advertised to work even in those days of evil and wickedness long ago.

But Lot also added, "The further away I got, the more the image degraded, and I got a lot of false color from the burning cities, and when the cities flared up really bright, I saw this goofy horizontal line running across my pwism."

The modern day price range for image erection pwisms (new) is about $20 - $200 dollars. All of them are guaranteed, if properly inserted in the telescope tubes of the proper telescope type, to produce correctly oriented images. However, I would defy anyone to determine from the available information, available anywhere, if there are any differences among any of them in the quality of the images produced.

Soooooooooo, whats' the best one for the Lomo. Well, pony up and take yer chances. It's a hobby.

The Crumby Ovate


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