Sunday, November 13, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

Viewing the Crumby Ovate's photograph of the drought stricken pus, er, poverty dropseed reminded me, Ray of some early global warming predictions from somwhere in the neighborhood of 15-20 year ago. These foretold that Texas would be afflicted by increasingly high temperatures of longer duration. That is precisely what has happened. Now Texas was purty hot even back then and its been getting hotter all right. This coincides with much of Texas being too droughty to support much agriculture so lots of the land is range for cows and goats or sort of timbered, and since most of the native range was eaten up long ago, much of it now has lotsa of forage plants introduced from foreign parts. Nevertheless, and despite the importation of range plants that can serve for fodder, cows and goats don't, by themselves, generally make their owners millionaires. But the land the cows and goats reside upon does make millionaires if the land is conveniently located within 60-70 miles of a city, which of course, lots of it is. So lotsa land has been sold for development and this coincides with lotsa cheap construction labor and coincides also with cities and what passes for a state government hereabouts handing out tax breaks to industries wishing to locate in Texas.

Upshot, we have hoards of people moving here, apparently from all over the world. This has led many who want to get rich, or richer, to opt for a total infrastructure buildout to support even greater hoards of anticipated immigrants who either don't have to go anywhere regularly, or are willing to spend 2-3 hours a day to drive somewhere regularly.

But then it is getting hotter. Plus we are in a purty bad drought and sometimes these droughts can last awhile. Well, you won't exactly get Iraq here for a short while longer, so long as there's enough water in the Colorado to water the St. Augustine and Zoysia, maybe.


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