Sunday, December 11, 2005

Adventures II - Political Commentary is Boring to Read

Also, if you read it and disagree with it, you may be annoyed. But since this venue is for my emergencies, not yours, much like my cell phone, so what.

In the male comfort station at the Deep Eddy Cabaret, a bar that I have frequented infrquently since Heck was a pup, there is written on the wall in what appears to be Sharpie indelible the spell "Being a conservative means you don't have to care about anything." Of course, designations other than conservative have been marked out, but that's what was there last Friday night when my beer soaked, maudlin self wound up in that comfort station, comforting myself.

The spell indicated above is not especially interesting so I will get back to it in a minute. But first I need to touch on the very interesting comfort station spells that were on display at Texas A&M University (TAMU) during my tenure in those hallowed halls. Those spells were very interesting because, extraordinarily, a great many of them featured the subtopic, bestiality. Perhaps this should not surprise, because TAMU is a land grant college and still, to this very day, although with much less empahsis than afore, retains some bucolic charm.

Anyway, lots of the graffiti over there at that time featured commentary and illustration in support of having sex with domesticated animals. Some of the illustrations were clever and showed evidence of creativity in the vicinity of how to. I regret to this day that I didn't take the time to photograph some of that bestiality graffiti so I would have it now to share with everyone. Perhaps, I will go back to those hallowed halls and see if any of it remains, or if that tradition continues, and this time I will have the digital camera handy. Baaaaaah! We are in danger of losing so much of our cultural history. And now, with bird flu drills in the White House, whatever will become of our long love affair with the chicken.

But back to the boring political graffiti. Unlike you, probably, I am intensely curious about the spell "Being a conservative means you don't have to care about anything." I am intensely curious regarding the motivations of the author. Is he using conservatism as a cover for his own nihilism? Does he really believe conservatives don't care about anything? Is he condemning/extolling them?

Jeez Louise, I just noticed how great it is to refer to the masculine tense and not have to fret over it. Of course, I am assuming that a woman didn't sneak into the male comfort station and write that particular spell.

Penultimately, what do I personally think of the spell? Well, it was on a comfort station wall and thus received some readership, so that's a good thing. But then, is my response to the spell what the author intended? Am I doing now precisely what he wanted me to do as a result of my encountering his spell? Cosmic questions these!

Finally, here's my spell. The rich and powerful who describe themselves as conservatives are merely rich and powerful. So they do what they want with few constraints. In a democracy, it is the duty of the rest of us to constrain them, as best we can.


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