Monday, December 05, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

These Yorenited States require an independent Civil Service dedicated to the enforcement of laws and rules. Otherwise, the rich and powerful will be putting stuff in the peanut butter, like groundup glass, maybe.

Sir, why did you put that ground up glass in the peanut butter?

I was just recyclin' it baby, you know recyclin' to hep the environment.

Well sir, just for puttin' ground up glass in the peanut butter, but more particularly for lyin' about why you did it, we are going to send you to prison, confiscate yer property and auction yer family off in Saudi Arabia. What do you say to that?

Boo hoo hoo. I sure am sorry I got caught.

Then too I have been thinking about asbestos for some reason or other. If ye fool around with asbestos ye might get bestasstus. Oh my goodness. This is the bestasstus in the whole wide world.

Another thought I had today concerned the practice of raking leaves. Once I was in the company of several adult men, myself an adult man among them, and we were all raking leaves. The leaves were falling from the trees almost as fast as we could rake 'em up and some of 'em were blowing off the piles of leaves we had already raked. This led one of the men, who called himself Robert, to distinguish himself from the rest of us, to foretell, "Ye caint get 'em all." And sure enough, he was right.

Ray did not think the above up all by himself. Ray had hep.

The Arkdruid


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