Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day - The Cow Barn Needs a Canary

The Crumby Ovate and I, Ray have decided we require a canary er two. We might, we have also decided, even require more than two. Fer canaries are cheerful little birds that sing well and often. Hence the expression, sing like a canary.

In addition to their abilities to carry a tune, canaries are, much like shrews, overtly respondent to environmental perturbations. Principally, they are employed in this capacity as methane gas detectors, dropping dead off their perches from the most minuscule exposures.

With regard to this latter characteristic I, Ray am evolving a plan to dispel Hope. What I am going to do is use a canary to expose her wickedness. This is the plan I have. When she goes to sleep I will sneak into her room and put the canary in its cage next to her bed. Then when she farts, that particular fart will kill my pet canary. Then I will cry aloud to everyone, "Hope has killed my pet canary! She has murdered my poor little bird who only ever wanted to sing his heart out for joy and happiness! And now he's dead!"

Ray most assuredly will not do such a dastardly deed, maybe. In any event, a day of reckoning is just around the corner. Never forget, never forgive, always do payback.

The Arkdruid


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