Friday, December 09, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

Four maybe five. That seems a rather large number given the context. I should have asked more questions right then while I had the chance. Jeez Louise, I missed the opportunity to explore a really interesting subtopic.

But never mind that for the nonce.

I, Ray have been instructed to clear the deck, so that's precisely what I will be doing, fer awhile. There is much deck clearing to do, and I will clear the deck anon. I will begin just as soon as I am calmed down. The cleared deck will have room for new stuff to be put on the deck because it will be clear of the old stuff. So now I must evaluate the old stuff and see what I want to do with it. That's what I have to do first in the deck clearing process. Hopefully this deck clearing won't take too much of my valuable time and won't interfere with my cinnamon bun tomorrow.

Actually, clear the deck may be a poor metaphor. What I really mean is that I need to tie up loose ends. Yepper. That way, what's on deck now will be bundled up and there will be more room for new stuff without actually clearing the deck. Because clearing the deck might piss someone off at me. So tying up loose ends is a lot better solution and metaphor, maybe.

Let me see. What loose ends need tying up? I shall have to backtrack and discover where we unraveled various stuff. What was spelled and what was left unspelled?

Yikes. Enough of this silliness. It's time to win a war. But first, a nice rest.

Noper. Too tired to rest. Too exhausted in the noggin. What I need to do is foretell a bit. In the next little while, perhaps tomorrow after I have had my cinnamon bun, or the next day after I have thoroughly digested my cinnamon bun, I will go and look at some birds, long distance, with the RGVECB telescopery apparatii. The further off those birds are, in line of sight, the better.

Now let's see. This could be a serious expedition, miles away from the Cow Barn, so I will probably need to take along some extra underwears. How much of the apparatii gets to go along? Easy that, all of it. Lomo can come along too and help pack it around. Hold it. I was supposed to do something botanical anon also. Lucky, fer me, the Crumby Ovate is now available to assume a portion of these myriad responsibilities. He might even finish that dang CB plant list fer me, Goddess Willing. That's just what the CO needs now, another nice nerve tonic of a plant list to work on while I, Ray also have a short rest, ornithologically speaking.


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