Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Adventures II

The great thing about the occupation, naturalist, is that studies pertinent to that occupation are, open ended. No facet of the real, or imagined to be real, potentially, escapes the attention of the keen naturalist.

Yesterday, at the CB and immediate vicinty I saw and counted six mockingbirds at once. Six is the most I could see and count at one time so I know there were that many, but there could have been additional ones present that I did not detect, because six was the maximum number I ever saw at the same time, ever, during the interval that I was engaged in mockingbird enumeration. So six is not necessarily a precise accounting of the mockingbirds or even an approximation. Six mockingbirds enumerated at one time is just a fact.

Crumby, I, Rayetta inquire, what limited yer ability to enumerate the mockingbirds?

Easy that Rayetta, all those mockingbirds looked alike, to me. They were playing chase in the live oaks, zipping every which-a-way and I could not espy any one of them continuously. Also, their pre-fornication antics stirred up a great many other birds, blue jays and white-winged doves and those distracted me from enumeration. Also, I was distracted by Bewick's wrens, chickadees and titmice even though those were too little to consider enumerating. Then too, I had to interrupt the enumeration of the mockingbirds to consider a red-bellied woodpecker.

But consider this theological hypothesis. Mockingbirds (Mimus polyglottus)are transmigrated Confederate soldiers killed before they accepted Jesus. The evidence for this is that mockingbirds, despite the common moniker, Northern Mockingbird, are generally southern in disposition within these Yorenited States, and also, they are gray in colour, much like unto the garb of the long vanquished secesh.

Sooooooooo. Seeking comfort for the memory of a lost loved one, who may not have been saved in a timely fashion, someone, possibly a grieving lady, postulated theologically that a mockingbird, singing cheerfully and bouncing up and down in the top of that tree yonder is Johnny returned, to me. And this theological hypothesis became a part and parcel of our culture and mythology.

This is precisely why I am really disappointed in the latest Pope, what's his name. For this particular Pope is apparently scheming to deep-six Limbo. Limbo, in company with all theological hypotheses, has, so far, not been proved or disproved.

Crumby, do you think theological hypothesis is an oxymoron?

Stop it Rayetta. Yer distractin' me! Er.

All righty then. Limbo, in company with all theological hypotheses, has, so far, not been proved or disproved. The theological hypothesis, Limbo, is that the unbaptized, and maybe the unshriven* who pass on, but are innocent of sin or nearly so, need a place to go besides Hell. So St. Thomas Aquinas postulated Limbo as the repository for the category of souls, innocent or nearly so, but unbaptized. As you can imagine, a great many poor souls, have fallen into this category, maybe.

Anyway, St. Thomas apparently postulated Limbo as an alternative to St. Augustine who had all the unbaptized going to Hell no matter what. So possibly you can see that Limbo was an improvement in the general neighborhood of positive thinking and something of a comfort to those grieving for lost loves, unbaptized babies and dead heathen that had generally behaved. Also, the theological hypothesis, Limbo, engendered many literary deriviative subhypotheses that have interested and comforted a great many. Thus, suchlike as faeries, pet dogs, Neanderthals, Moses and water babies all have a fairly nice place to stay when they are dead.

What worries me is that this new Pope, what's his name, will come up with a theological hypothesis worse than Limbo, and the twilight world shall be no more. Sob!

It's OK Crumby. Don't worry about this anymore. You've just become fixated and overwrought. It'll be OK. Let's go have some oatmeal.

Oatmeal! All righty then, Rayetta. Oatmeal sounds delicious, to me.

*The unshriven are those that do not confess their sins before pegging out. We are not sure where the Pope hypothesizes they go, but our best guess is, Hell.

The Arkdruid


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