Monday, December 26, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

Move on dot Org apparently believes I, Ray am a member of that Org. A while in the past I was asked to fill out a questionaire, ranking subtopics from 1-10 with regard to which were the most troubling, to me. However, those subtopics were not the ones that are the most troubling, to me. So here's my list of political issues that fire me up. It's a short list.

1) the National Environmental Policy Act - enforce the laws to the letter, make 'em tougher and stop the liars and gluttons from gettin' their exemptions and exceptions

2) tax support and depoliticization for federal and state employees administrating the NEPA laws

3) political corruption and stealin' money from me

4) put the liars and gluttons in jail which means we need more honest and incorruptilbe people paid to uncover their lyin' ways and evil schemes, and this process needs to be a lot more expeditious than it has been in the recent past

5) make it illegal for government officials and the judiciary to play golf


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