Sunday, December 25, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

Someone or something has determined I, Ray am runnin' a spam blog. Since, so far as I am aware, only RGVECB inhabitants, that is Red, Rayetta, Crumby, Hope, Dr. Swineherd, Nancy the Goddess of Practical Jokes, the Arkdruid and occasionally Lomo or Raymone publish, and I, Ray personally review all these missals, and we never send out anything anywhere unsolicited or even solicited and we don't know if anyone even reads this besides us, the evangelism component having not taken off like some of us anticipated it would, we are confused about the spam blog label. Nevertheless, we have endured the spam blog word verification which means we have to read a group of confusing letters in goofy type face and then spell those in the box below the goofy letters, identically. This can be difficult sometimes because those letters are hard to read. For example, vv can look like w, to me.

Undoubtedly, stealth is the root cause of RGVECB bein' labeled a spam blog. But I, Ray have finally come to the conclusion that stealth is not enough. What is required is, invisibility.


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