Sunday, December 25, 2005


Once again, I have proven worthy to continue and remain going onward in this iteration, unkilled, unconked and relatively unscathed. Now I can relax, just a lala hair as the Arkdruid might say.

Say Ray, whut's happenin', dudest?

Well, Crumby, the potted meat and meat byproducts and imitation meat products police be after me.

I warned ye about them adds boy. Plugin' cinnamon rolls and Lazy Boys aint allowed, less ye get paid, fer it. And ye aint brought in a nickel. Stick to spoofin' the lardlalas some other way. Them advertisin' spells is too subtle, fer 'em.

Yer wrong there Crumby. It's the way to go. I just need Raymone to help work out an invisibility problem er two. And quit suckin' up to the Arkdruid. Yer makin' me sick with them lalas!

Ha! Ray yer a chicken lala, lala wad.

I warned ye Crumby. Soon's we're in the clear from Red and the ladies yer gonna get a big boy whuppin', fer sure.

All righty then Ray, ye gonna kick my lala.

Not exactly, I'm gonna kick yer lalain brains out and eat the little putrid lalaers fer breakfast. Whoa! Now I'm spellin' it!

Ha! It aint ye Ray, it's the Arkdruid. The Arkdruid aint allowin' us to cuss fer the nonce.

The Arkdruid aint.

Noper. The Arkdruid aint.

Now let's see if I can spell something about the grammar.

The Arkdruid


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