Monday, December 12, 2005

Hope on "The Adventures of Etain"

This is most curious and yet I can make little sense, of it. For Etain has little or no adventure, but it is Mider or his surrogate Oegnus perhaps that does most of the adventuring perchance. Goodness. Well, I presume that becoming a fly is something of an adventure. These transmigrations are odd though. First a pool of water, then a maggot, then a fly. This is not very nice at all. The water heats up to make the maggot! Yikes! Too much like invertebrate lab, fer me, not at all like unto one of Nancy's grow yer whatevers. I never knew one of Nancy's whatevers to do a metamorphosis either. This business with Etain is Goddess Magic. Spooky Goddess Magic, maybe, by someone not supposed to be spelling with it. How did Fuamnach learn to do that, the spells, and the motivation to learn those spells? The tales spell she had trainin' from Bresal. But why would he teach her such spells, that should be left to the WG. Those Tuatha are something else again, maybe.

Another troubling aspect of all this is the silence of Etain. I Hope, would have squeaked plenty if all this had happened, to me. Metamorphed by a stranger into a fly, blown hither and yon all over Eriu, swallowed for Goddess Sake out of tumbler by another stranger, then born again, a panoply of crazy boyfriends and husbands all trying to steal me away from the others, what a very nearly hopeless scenario and yet nary a squeak from Etain. Is she just a dumb blonde, or what, enigmatic?

Hope in enigma, there's a concept, fer ye.

Er Hope. I, Ray would like to interject something that I believe is important about this adventurous tale.

All right Ray. I need to stop and think for the nonce anyway.

All righty then. Ladies and the Crumby Ovate. I have discovered something about all this that aint right. You know when Etain as the Scarlet Fly falls into the golden vessel situated in Etar's hand and then Etar drinks off the golden vessel and swallows Etain not knowing there is a fly in her drink. Well my point is, how the heck did Etar happen to miss a fly in her drink as big as the handsomest man in Eriu's head. That's mighty strange, to me. How big a head are we discussin' here? Was Etar a giantess with a tub fer a tumbler? Or was the handsomest man in Eriu a wondrous tiny person, or perhaps a regular sized person with a really tiny head?

Good point Ray. I recall when my old granny swallowed a June bug with her ice tea. That particular coincidence jump started a fuss, and granny sure knew she had gulped down a June bug and everybody in those parts at that time knew it, too.

All righty you two. Stop that chortling and sniggering. It's not funny when someone swallows a June bug. June bug swallowing is a Potential Safety Topic - environmental hazard and you Crumby, of all people, should know that better than anyone. Nevertheless, Ray's questions are not easy to answer. And Hope's conjectures are also puzzling. We should sleep on it and ask the WG her opinions.

All righty then.

All righty then.

The Adventures of Etain, a collective endeavor by RGVECB

to be continued


I thought it was a collaborative effort?

Noper. Collective endeavor.

Noper, it got spelled first as a collaborative effort!

Jeez Louise, it's the same difference. Now go to bed!

All righty then.

All righty then.


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