Monday, December 12, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

Blue Sky natural soda waters are delicious. I particularly like the truly orange and the raspberry ones. Perhaps the Blue Sky Soda Water Company would like to have me, Ray Pistrum as their spokesperson. I could then tell everyone how delicious their particular soda waters are.

Another company I would have no problem advertising for is Lazy Boy. I have two Lazy Boy recliners. One of them is brown and the other one is tan. I have always felt better sitting in those particular Lazy Boy recliners that in any other chairs anywhere, anytime.

Another product that I really like is my Nikon 10x42 SE binoculars. I can see out of those particular binoculars very well. And speaking of optical products, all RGVECB endorses the University Optics lines of Konig and Orthoscopic telescope eyepieces. They are most excellent for discerning stray chickens from ducks at far distances.

Then there are those cinnamon buns I get almost every Saturday, but I can't ever remember the name of the vendor. Nevertheless, I endorse those cinnamon buns.

And let's not forget the Golden Field Guide series of field guides, especially the out of print one concerning Amphibians. I lost my personal copy of that field guide on some halfwit outing long ago, but I still recall that field guide fondly.

These are all products I, Ray Pistrum recommend unreservedly. If any of the vendors of these products could find it in their obviously magnanimous hearts to send me some money, I should wax still more unreserved in my praise, extolling the virtues of these products, shamelessly.

Oh, I just thought of another one, Negra Modelo ale. Those Negra Modelos are almost as delicious as Dolmen Stouts.

And one more, a recent acquisition, is the Celestron heavy duty alt/az tripod which I have only got to use once, but I can tell from that one experience that I can also recommend it without shame.


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