Thursday, December 29, 2005

Hope on The Adventures of Etain

Much hope may be drawn from The Adventures of Etain. Here we have a young lady that undergoes dreadful hardship and indignity, yet who ultimately fetches up in Tier na Nach, a very pleasant locale. Plus, she is the queen there and has the best food and drink and all the pretty things she could ever want and is married to the handsomest man in Eriu. Also, she has a daughter that is famed throughout many places for her embroidery and a grand daughter that was also the most beautiful woman in the Eriu of her day and who is the mother of King Conare of the Many Geise*. So that's quite a lot, I surmise.

Now I will admit that Etain's passivity is strange, to me. She never chooses for her own sake, but always abides whatever fate is determined for her. In that respect she seems estranged from the rest of us mere mortals. She left us here, but I know, she comes to visit now and then and sometimes stays awhile.

to be continued

*King Conare, due to his kinship with the Banshee, has many geise (gessa). Way more than Cu Chulaind, for example, or even Ray and the Crumby Ovate put together.

The Arkdruid


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