Friday, December 30, 2005

Red Calls a Meetin'

All righty then. I see yer all hyer. What we got to discuss today be how tall the grass be. With all these teenagers runnin' around with lighters, the Cow Barn might get burnt up on account of we got more grass than cows this year and a purty big and dry standin' crop of the grass. Does anybody hyer have a thought on this subtopic?

Easy that, I, Ray am agin it. There could be shrews out in the grass that might get runovered by the mowers.

Hmmmmm. Ray, have you seen any shrews out in the grass?

Noper, Rayetta, but it looks like shrew habitat, to me, and I'd know shrew habitat if anyone would. And that particular shrew habitat has been thereabouts only a short while so the shrews could just now be finding it.

I, Hope agree with Ray. Even though there are no shrews about now, or perhaps we just have not encountered any, they could be racing into this habitat even as we sit and ponder hereto.

I, Lomo no hurt shrew neither, but giant grass interfere with panic attack detector system. Need to cut giant grass or panic sneak up on Cow Barn, maybe.

Jeez Louise, Lomo, I Crumby didn't leave off shoat skitter wranglin' to come home and hear such malarkey. The dern detectors are up in the trees. The grass aint that high. Yer monkey lala just wants to mess with something. Aint that right.

Lomo lalaed now. Better not call Lomo monkey lala. Not call Lomo monkey, neither. Red, Crumby cussin' Lomo out. Lomo gonna whup 'em.

All righty then, let's simmer down hyer. Crumby ye watch yer tone in these meetin's fer Goddess Sake and ye Lomo, quit changin' the subject. And fer a matter of fact the both of ye can keep yer mouths shut if'n ye aint got contributory, pertinent spells to utter. Now let's see hyer, er, yepper the dern grass and whether we ought to mower it fer fire management.

I, Rayetta have something pertinent, interesting and useful to spell on this subtopic. Most of the grass is seeded out and dead. Perhaps we could mow it in little patches, especially those in the immediate proximity to CB structures and interested parties could monitor the little patches for shrew activity prior to and during the action to make sure no harm comes to any shrews. Further, I spell that Ray will mow and Hope will monitor, the little patches.

Caint do er Rayetta. The mowers er all broke.

Ray! You know very well we have a brand new mower and it better not be, broke!

Oh yeah. I clean fergot about that new redun.

Whut's this hyer about broke mowers. All ye boys get on them broke mowers and fix em. Hyer ye be eatin' me outta my bean bin and ye caint keep up with the chores on account of yer to lala fat. This hyer is aggravatin', to me. But once again thanks to the LDR fer comin' up with a spell, I, Red can live with. So meetin's dismissed and it's time fer afternoon snacks and naps.

As has been noted in this topic many times, this turn of the wheel has waxed dry and hot. The pavement spreads and all else diminishes in these parts so that much is likely to burn up from fireworks and teenagers with lighters. Lucky this aint fire cycle environment, but maybe that's coming, some payback from the WG.

The Arkdruid


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