Monday, February 20, 2006

Ray Recounts to Relax

All righty then. So far during the month of I am a Mighty Snark in the Formerly Cultivated Area and the CB Tree is Phaestoglochin Caric Sedges we have had cold weather and about one tic of precipitation. Ye would never guess that all these clouds that have hung on fer days and days would not have much rain in em. But they don't.

This evenin' I made a big kettle of soup fer supper that is delicious. Soup is good fer cold weather and ye can generally heave in a great many leftovers as ingredients.

Whut else is new? Er. Er. We have maybe 7-8 baby cotyledons comin' up in the bracted twist flower bed, but Hope says to remain hopeful fer none of em so far appear to be baby cotyledon bracted twist flowers. We also have a bunch of little baby grasses in that bed. Ha! This will be interesting, whether we get the target species er not.

Crumby is tryin' my patience, but since I don't want Rayetta to pull one of my ears off, I'm tryin' not to fuss, with em.

All of us have been watchin' Bleak House on the TV. It's a mighty fine show, all righty then.


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