Sunday, February 19, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day

Anybody that believes I didn't get my cinnamon bun yesterday, can guess agin. Fer I got that cinnamon and et it up. It was delicious! But the vendor lady warned me about not grabbin' my cinnamon up with my barehand out of the vendor tray. She said she'd get it fer me, but by then it was too late fer her to get my cinnamon bun, fer I had it already, in hand. The vendors need to make allowances fer me. I get excited!

I was scared fer a second er two that the nice lady vendor would make me give up my cinnamon bun. Yikes! But she went ahead and sacked it up, fer me, alrighty then.

Whut the heck is Rayetta up to? Tryin' to spark that smarty pants, George Will. She must have lost her mind.

Er. That aint gonna wash, is it Crumby?

Noper, it aint Ray. We caint have the LDR sparkin' a heathen. It lalas me off. Say Ray, when ye dance around in yer underwear like the Lord Cernunnos, what do ye use fer horns?

Well generally Crumby, I will stick my thumbs in my ears and then spread all my fingers out, but I may have to get me some antlers, or some ox horns maybe, fer special occasions.

Yepper Ray. That sounds reasonable. Maybe I'll get me some too. I used to have a hat that I made in Beaver Scouts long ago. The hat part looked a little like a buffalo, but the horns was just tips sawed off a heifer. Somethin' like that would work though. Reckon whut become of that hat?

Yepper, ye would never ferget a hat like that Crumby and regret losin' it. I bet ye looked sharp in it, too.

Possibly Ray, possibly. However, we need to stop all this foolishness and get on to somethin' else, maybe, like Spurgin', on a Sunday afternoon. I have been goin through the spurge sheets and found, lo and behold, a sheet of snow-on-the-whatevers that the beetles didn't eat. What's more I recollect this particualr sheet on account of how aggravated I was when I put it together. There's actually two specimens in it. One is E. marginata and the other may be E. bicolor. Remember the snows-on-the-whatevers the beetles et?

Yepper. Reckon why the beetles didn't eat this sheet too?

Don't know Ray. Maybe the WG stopped em fer otherwise those ravenous little dickens would have et this un too, fer sure. Anyhow, let's load em up, fer this is interestin' spurgewise.

All righty then.

The sheet says this uns # 1744 from Travis County, old Colorado River terrace. But that's just fer the E. marginata, fer I apparently taped what I thought was E. bicolor right next to the other one on the sheet, but I don't recollect where I came by the other specimen. This first un shows the two spurges from off aways with E. bicolor on the lower left. Notice how it didn't hold its color. It also has skinnier leaves and bracts, but big whoop if they hybridize. Now look at this second un. This time E. marginata is on the lower left. Compare em Ray.

Whoa! Look at those glands of the ppetaloid appendages on the E. marginata one. And the glands aint discernible atall on the E. bicolor.

Ye have a sharp eye Ray, a sharp eye. Perhaps, this is the character of diffusion that has long eluded us.


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