Saturday, February 18, 2006

A Familiar Saying that Makes No Sense

Ye get whut ye pay for.

Unless what you get, is free. Like maybe you stole it or somebody gave it to you. For example, I, Red once got a pair of cowboy boots when the original owner died. I didn't give a nickel fer em, and still wear em on occasion, especially when I feel like I need some height advantage and don't have to go far and generally anticipate level ground. But ever'one of those considerations would be the same, no matter what the cost of the cowboy boots.

Ye get good stuff all the time ye don't pay fer, air, fer example.

Ye get whut ye pay fer, don't even make sense even if ye do pay fer it. Fer example, consider sales. Ye get the same item at a different price when its on sale, er, different prices for the same item from optional vendors, maybe.

Whut about cinnamon buns? That un Hope fetched back here a week er two ago fer Ray as a substitute fer Ray's regular cinnamon bun cost the same as Ray's preferred cinnamon bun, but Ray didn't get his preferred cinnamon bun, now did he?

So whut in the Name of The Tripicate Greatest Orphans of Gwynedd do the ignorant and vulgar mean by this familiar saying? Easy that, it's gluttony, the inference bein' that if ye don't mortgage the farm fer whatever, whut ye substitute fer whutever aint no count. That's all it means, pure and simple. How 'bout this un fer a more useful familiar sayin'? Make do with whut ye got. This un, we can all live with. Aint that right, Crumby?

Er. Maybe, maybe not Red. Whut if whut ye got is wore out?

All righty then let's amend er too, Make do with whut ye got that aint imminently perishable.

Er. Whut if ye need somethin' altogether involvin' new technology Red?

All righty then let's amend er too, Make do with whut ye got that aint imminently perishable er brand new useful technology that aint merely a senseless replication of existin' technology that will do nothin' but make more gluttons.

All righty then. That sounds reasonable, but fer some reason, I bet it don't catch on, Red.

Alas, ye may be right on that count Crumby. Alas.


Red is giving Crumby a lesson in both frugality and precision of spelling.

The Arkdruid


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