Sunday, March 19, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - Ray and Olwen 5

In order to get the new wife he wanted, Ray’s potential dad and Jezebel’s former widower had to murder his new wife’s husband prior to marrying. This accomplished the two were married amid low key ceremony. And the new wife set about discovering what circumstances she found herself in. Not finding anyone about the house very helpful in terms of information, and her new husband not much forthcoming on same topics, she ventured about seeking information regarding those same circumstances. Thus anon one fine day, out and about shopping, but alert for information pertinent to her new circumstances, the new wife chanced to espy an old crone soiling the sidewalk outside one of her favorite accouterment shops. “Old crone,” she inquired, speak of mine husband and the circumstances I find myself disposed therein.”

“All righty then,” allowed the old crone. “Yer new husband is rich and powerful. Also he is high and mighty among the liars and gluttons due to the circumstances of his birth. And he has a son, maybe.”

“A son,” exclaimed the new wife, “I must discover more of this son. Where is this son disposed old crone, and why have I not heard tales of him?”

“They say the son is named Ray. But Ray is put off somewheres because he is apparently of unusual happenstance and a freak of nature, to boot.”

“Hmmm. Thank you old crone. Here’s a penny for your thoughts,” and then the new wife clickety-clicked on her high heels off to her Cadillac, resolved to meet and greet her step son.

Chances are, so it just so happened that Ray chanced to turn up at the big house at the precise time the new wife also turned her Cadillac into the driveway of the big house. Ray arrived by taxi, the new wife by Cadillac and there she sat honking the horn to gain the attention of the gate keeper so he would let her in. Then while honking, she espied a young man fidgeting in the driveway. “Young man,” she hollered out the window, “get off my property.”

“But this is where I turn up now and again in my wanderings between prep schools. Snuffle. My potential father stays here. Who are ye, snuffle?”, Ray queried.

“Hmmm,” thought the new wife. “This must be Ray.” “Hop in Ray and you can ride in the Cadillac up to the big house with me. I’m your new mother.”

Ray hopped in, to ride in the Cadillac up to the big house with his new mother. And in polite fashion the twain of them, both Ray and his mother, began to discourse.

“Ray, I only this very day discovered that I have acquired you, a step son, as part and parcel of my marriage to your potential father. And here you are of a sudden, turned up. Would you like to have sexual intercourse, with me?”

“Yepper, I would. But I am only three years old, and I don’t know how.”

“Hmmm. Though obviously stunted you do look large for a three year old. But since you don’t know how, I will swear this destiny on you, that you will never have sexual intercourse until you have sexual intercourse with Olwen, daughter of Upyeraholes, Chief Justice.”

“Er, all righty then, snuffle.”


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