Friday, June 16, 2006

The Kinglet Looks 'Em in the Eye

Presumably, look 'em in the eye is how the Kinglet determines whether an employee, like the Whatever of Iraq, is up to a particular task. The Kinglet needs to look 'em in the eye. Goddess protect us, led like sheep into the warm embrace of the Wicker Man by a crazy nincompoop. Oh well, he's the best the ruling class could offer up.

We just had an animal emergency. Piggy the Chow Chow is 15 years old and has to take two pills every day for arthritis. Never a smart dog and now additionally afflicted with arthritis and deafness he sometimes puts himself at risk and must make piteous outcry so that he may be rescued.

This is the usual manner of his difficulties. He has a dog bed down at the foot of the proto human bed. The proto human bed has a bed frame. But Pig has difficulty negotiating the onto and off of his bed, though his bed is but a two inch thick foam pad. And in his negotiating with his bed he sometimes scoots the bed under the proto human bed frame in such manner that his hind quarters, already much afflicted by the arthritis, encounter the bed frame when he later attempts to arise after his nap. Then, believing himself trapped he utters forth the most terrible moaning one may imagine until rescued which rescue is easily accomplished by sliding the dog bed, dog and all, back out from under the bed frame. Perhaps we should move the dog bed to a safer location, but that might engender yet other, unlooked for emergencies.

Or, perhaps we should look Piggy in the eye.


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