Saturday, June 17, 2006

Ray's Thoughts for the Day and Some Telescope Tomfoolery

Apparently, Crumby's satire last night produced positive results in the atmosphere over the CB. For the nonce it's raining cats and dogs, figuratively. Crumby had to go outside in the pouring rain and move his dolly which he had left outside to tempt the rain, another satirical type spell.

Amusing sounding spells are widely regarded by Crumby and me as highly entertaining. Uh oh, here comes the rain splattered Ovate now. Crumby, do you have some more funny spells of the southern skies?

You betchum Ray. Up and to the left of bright Antares are two of my favorites, Yed Prior and Yed Posterior. Can you guess which one of those two is on top, Ray?

Er, is this a trick question, Crumby?

Easy that, noper.

Then easy that, Yed Prior is the one on top.

You are 100% correct-o-mundo on that Ray. Also Yed Prior is the one that appears bigger. On a good night I can see those two with just my spectacles.

Say Crumby, what should we do about you know what?

Er, you mean the new request for Druidic supplication of the WG, don't you Ray?

Yepper Crumby.

Let me ovate on that subtopic fer a minute................. er ................. Juju Bwana. Rayetta and your girlfriends can handle that one.

All righty then Crumby, I shall inform my sister and my girlfriends that the Crumby Ovate has foreseen that they shall handle the new supplication request.

All righty then Ray, I am gonna go watch the rain fall for the nonce. Later dude.

Bon jour Crumby Ovate. Now let's see. I was thinking about some other subtopic. What was it? Ah ha, here it comes back. According to my sister's sometime heart throb, George Will, 1200 Iraqis succumbed to the warm embrace of the Wicker Man in May just in Baghdad and that doesn't include the ones that got blown up by car bombs. George reminds me of a few times when the spell "population control", with reference to Iraq, has come up in casual conversations I have been casually overhearing on my travels outside the innards of the relatively safe CB perimeter. And that leads me on to think about one of Red's foretellings. Red foretells, "As the short memory of what passed for democracy in these parts fades on out, the options shall be barbarism or barbarism."

Then onward with yet another thought, for my thought process has been much stimulated by sun god training.

Marv sent this. It's where some Apaches stay in northern Arizona, maybe.

The thoughts just keep on coming. Many moons ago I was a football player and in that capacity got shipped off to Ardmore in a school bus to play the boys at the Indian school. By way of a pep talk, coach told us that those boys were lots bigger and mostly older than us, but they pulled their jock straps on, one leg at a time, just like we did. We got beat in the neighborhood of 63-zip. But I figure, if coach hadn't pepped us up with the jock strap spell, it would have been worse. Later, coach allowed that the refs were on their side, home field advantage.

All I remember about the actual game is that a boy I was supposed to block sometimes, was totally inert, about 5'5" tall and 300 pounds. I made a run or two at him early on in the game, but after awhile I advised that we should maybe maneuver around him. I felt like I was liable to hurt myself running into him. As the score indicates though, we ran out of room to maneuver.


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