Thursday, July 13, 2006

Crumby is Ready, Maybe

Jeez Louise. I just sat down in my nice chair after a hard day of pushin' dirt around and I sat on a fork. Moreover it's my work fork that I use to dig little holes in the dirt. I brought it home in my hip pocket because I forgot it was there, then I sat on it. It's a very nice fork. Er. Since we've run out of plants to take pictures of, and I'm too goofy to get a good picture of Jupiter, perhaps Raymone can take a picture of this fork. Forks are sort of interesting.

No, no, no, change the plans. No fork photos. We must go to rest upon the Ample Bosoms instead, for patience is no virtue and there's no way I'm gonna wait weeks to see heavenly bodies at 10 PM that I may now, this very night, espy at 3 AM. So I must arise Phoenix-like from peaceful rest upon Her Ample Bosoms at, er, around 2 AM, maybe. So now it's off to repose upon the Bosoms.

The dang hummingbirds are foraging still. Fer Goddess Sakes, it's after 8 PM.

Much later

It's 4 AM of the next morning approximately. I arose from repose upon the Ample Bosoms around 2 AM. Out I went into the moonlit stygian darkness with only a dog for company. I had to explain to the dog that if she barked anymore she would have to go back in the house. This particular dog understands a lot of Druidese so she didn't bark anymore after the first few barks.

Expeditiously we set up all the telescopery in two shakes of a lamb's tail. But lo the stars were strange from the zenith to the east. Lyra was upside down for Goddess Sakes. So we needed to get orientated as the moron high school principal used to state over the school intercom every morning.

All righty then. What looks sort of familiar? There's Cassiopeia off to the northeast. There's Fomalhaut below the moon off to the south. Yikes! Er, what's all these others?

Uh oh. The dewpoint has dewpointed and the clouds are massing in the south. Uh, oh here come the clouds. But ere the cloudy curtain was drawn, we espied part of Pegasus maybe. Jeez Louise, that's a big horse. And Perseus too, we espied, maybe, east and down from Cassiopeia.

Learning all these new ones, with few bright ones to steer by, will be interesting.

During the telscopery session which was actually more of a binocular session, a scouting expedition as it were, there was a flash of light and a loud pop off to the north indicating that a transformer blew up over there somewhere. So a bunch of humans and proto humans won't have any electric stuff right now including their air conditioners. Then right after the transformer blew up, a bunch of trucks started sireening around. Gee whillikers. I sure hope nothing bad happened to anyone I know and like.


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