Sunday, July 09, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day

All righty then. The underlying substrate of some of the CB is Buda limestone. Buda limestone oxidizes readily and turns orange. Some of it has fossils, but mostly the hunks of it I look at don't have any fossils. But today I was hauling around hunks of it because they needed to go somewhere else. Someday when I am a famous sun god, instead of just a sun god trainee, everyone will spell that Sun God Ray moved those hunks of Buda limestone around and his touch on them was so hot, they turned orange and one day he created a hunk of Buda limestone that had fossils in it. Then someone may say, here is that very hunk of Buda limestone that Ray put the fossils in. This very hunk with the fossils is proof of Sun God Ray's existence.

Dang it Ray! Just because you learned a new word, tautology, doesn't mean you have to do a tautology in all yer dang spells.

Course not Crumby, I'll get tired of 'em eventually. But they amuse me very much fer the time being.

Yepper, they can be amusing, or not. Er Ray, can I crowd in with some telescope tomfoolery here? I have little to report for the skies have been non-conducive to telescope tomfoolery of recent evenings.

Why certainly Crumby, I am worn out from toting hunks around. So much so that my poor fingers are so aggravated that I can barely spell fer the nonce, anyhow.

All righty then.

All righty then.

Crumby's Telescope Tomfoolery Notes

Okie Dokie. Here's a picture of the moon somewhere from night before last. That's about all I have done all week long with the telescopery. It's been cloudy at night a whole lot. Oh, I toted the Newtonian outside one day and collimated it, but then I just had to tote it back into the human and proto human living quarters.

There's a Thryothorus ludovicianus that comes in the living quarters every day. He likes to sit up on the Newts finder scope and sing. Invariably though, he also takes a dump on the finder scope. So now the Newt finder scope is covered in bird shit. I try to keep it cleaned off, but that particular wren is a regular shit factory operating on a three shift, seven day a week schedule. Lucky fer that wren, this is a Druid household and he's a good singer.


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