Crumby's Skies are Cloudy
The constellations are labeled Crumby.
Yepper. The program allows me to label 'em with their names.
Ha! Ophiucus has got between the serpent's head and its tail. How'd he do that?
Well now, if Ophiucus was from these parts, he probably used a hoe. But actually there may be a story about that, but I don't know what it is and I don't have time to make one up on account of the fire's almost ready.
What are we havin' in addition to my black eye peas, Crumby?
Ribs Ray, Adam's ribs. Ye remember that steer, Adam, that Rayetta discovered might be evil. That's him we're havin' tonight.
Mmmmmm. Adam's ribs. All righty then.
All righty then.
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