Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ray's Thoughts for the Day

I would like to personally thank everyone who prayed to their personal gods and goddesses on the subtopic, "Please personal god(s) or goddess(es), don't let the North Korean missle hit, Ray." Apparently your prayers worked cause it didn't hit me, and is apparently unlikely to hit me. However, just in case, keep me, Ray, in your prayers. Here's a line you can easily include in your prayers. "Please, personal god(s) or goddess(es), don't let any missles or space traveling vehicles or their cargos or stray parts that have broken off, hit Ray."

Please, please don't anyone be offended by this. It's sun god homework. It's like my job would be, if I was a sun god instead of a presumptive sun god. You may not think so, but constantly having to measure up to Jesus or Perseus is hard work.

But now, back to mundane Druidry. We need to come up with a new monthly name for the dates of the Julian, July 8 - August 4, plus a new tree for the new month for the CB. I have a pretty good idea on what the new tree, will be.


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