It's a New Month at the CB
Yepper, actually the new month started yesterday, so it runs from July 8 - August 4 of the Julian. Er, let's see. What shall I be? Er, all righty then. I am a nail in a tin roof fer heat and the CB tree fer I am a nail in a tin roof fer heat is Chasmanthium latifolium.
Chasmanthium latifolium. Here I am in the pecan orchard. I have long since kicked the shit out of all the introduced weeds and now I am totally dominant here. However, when I briefly go dormant in the winter the sedges and buttercups become apparent under me. They have their days, I have mine.
We Chasmanthiums are encouraged at the CB because Druids are too lazy to weed fencerows of undersirable introduced alien plants and unwanted native plants. So they encourage us, because they like us and we kick ass. Here we Chasmanthiums go, marching up the south fencerow toward the west, kicking ass right out into Ogma territory. However, we do tolerate associating with plants as big as us, like Elymus canadensis and Malvaviscus arboreus. They just need to watch out. The Panicum virgatum though, pretty much suppresses us in full Ogma territory. But in the pecan orchard, we'd kick its ass. We also kick ass on the east fencerow. However, there we have lotsa competitors as big as us.
You'd think, given our obvious importance, that the ignorant and vulgar among the humans and proto humans could have come up with a better common name, fer us. But no! What do they call us, inland sea oats. How stupid is that? Do ye see any inland seas around? Another more reasonable common name, fer us, is creek oats. That's a tad better, but how about this one. This is one we settled on ourselves. Big Flat Oats. How's that!
Here's one of our fruits sporting around with some human artifacts Red dug up at the CB. The cat's eye marble is historic and the flake is archaic. See, our fruits are big and flat.
You'd think, given our obvious importance, that the ignorant and vulgar among the humans and proto humans could have come up with a better common name, fer us. But no! What do they call us, inland sea oats. How stupid is that? Do ye see any inland seas around? Another more reasonable common name, fer us, is creek oats. That's a tad better, but how about this one. This is one we settled on ourselves. Big Flat Oats. How's that!
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