Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day

---- Crumby. Sleeping in the shed on those old cow skins with you snoring away really sucks.

So whut. I have to be out there too. It's not so bad, except for the heat and the skeeters.

Think so Crumby. How about the aroma?

What aroma, Ray?

Great. That's right, you can't smell anything, can you Crumby?

Noper, not under normal circumstances. Occasionally, however my nasalities will miraculously clear for a minute or a month. But usually I can't smell anything.

-----. It aint fair.

Well la de da Ray. Aint ye the prima donna. Ooohhh, it smells so bad. Oooooo.

Shut the ---- up Crumby.

Actually Ray, I saw something extremely interesting today. Do ye wish to know whut?

Sure! Great!

I saw a big old bison that had climbed up in a trailer full of hay. Plus the bison had hay all over the top of his head. Isn't that interesting?

Er! That is interesting. How'd the bison get in the trailer, reckon?

It's a real low trailer, like a gun trailer. I reckon the bison just stepped on up. And the day before that at about the same time there were a bunch of cows around that trailer and one of the calves had climbed on up.

Whoa! Whut the heck! I need to go see this trailer. We ought to take Rayetta too.

All righty then. Tomorrow. Bring yer girlfriends too.


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