Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Crumby's Telescope Tomfoolery Notes - How Many of US, Dream of Being Mammonite, Christian, Republicans?

Not me. I'm too busy with other interesting stuff. But the great fallacy among the Mammonite Christian Republicans is that everyone wants to be just like them. While actually, considering the global population as a whole, almost no one wants to be just like them. Even here in the glorious Homeland, they are a minority, and nobody else in the Homeland wants to be just like them. Not even the rest of us white boys want to be just like them. Even though, the rest of us white boys may be genetically predisposed to be just like them. But we have learned better, from the environment, Praise the Goddess.

As Ray pointed out, maybe, in his interesting thought this morning, the miserable Iraqis have no incentive to stand up. Because anyone that stands up, is saying to the world, look at me, I've converted to Mammonite, Christian Republicanism.

By the way, have you noticed how fat all the visiting Iraqi dignitaries appear? Most of the Iraqis on TV are skinny, but all the dignitaries that come to visit Chitlin and Rumpler are plump. Yes, apparently, even in Iraq, one can scare up a Mammonite, Christian Republican wannabe or two. But not many more than, two.

This is not to say that the fat are more prone to Mammonite Christian Republicanism than the thin. Such may not be true at all. Actually, I would have to spell, "Those that overeat and exercise to get off the extra weight, are more likely candidates for recruitment to the Mammonite Christian Republican ranks than the don't give a shit, stocky. Then there's the nervous eaters to consider, some other time."

Wise up boys and girls, globally. The Mammonite Christian Republicans are forcing their fantasys upon you. They are creating a world in which they will feel comfortable and righteous, and richer. And you, will be part of their world, the downside. Won't that be fun?

All righty then. I'm all set to do an important telescopery gear experiment that will allow me to determine the mysterious focal planes of my eps, maybe. But the stygian darkness is held at bay by the fickle Ogma and other light sources closer to home. So I need to kill some time here in the laboratory.

I think I just read that the Kinglet is having supper with two stand ups tonight, or maybe tomorrow night, Karzai and Musharraf (sp?). The Kinglet, if I didn't imagine what I recently may have read, was spelled to have remarked that he (the Kinglet) would check out their body language at supper tonight.

Er. I knew that the Kinglet relied upon two sources, feelings and divine intervention before going into decider mode. But now, unless I imagined what I just read a while ago, I learned he also relies on body language observation. Reckon what interesting feelings shall overtake our moody Kinglet during tonight's body language observation and supper session. Could the feelings trigger the Kinglet's decider mode, uh, uh, uh, uh?

So the Kinglet's stand up trenchermen companions better watch their body language lest they do something the Kinglet may feel, and then decider upon. Mercy! I hope, Hope covers the post-supper. Maybe she'll ask the Kinglet to give examples of how he felt after observing a particular body language event.

But my advice to the two stand ups is, whatever happens, don't sniff your fingers.


Lleu Llaw, let's get ready to go on out. Here's my plan. You take all the eps on out and line them up on the lawn furniture next to the Newt.

How should I line them up, Crumby?

OK, that's an interesting question. OK, on your left hand have all the UO eps, from biggest to littlest. Then all the rest of the eps trailing after those, also biggest to littlest.

All righty then.

Now I'm going to work up a little table here so we can plug in the experimental numbers. Holler when you're all set up Lleu Llaw and I shall emerge with the table.


Crumby! Lleu Llaw's hollering his fool head off out in the east pasture.

Thanks Rayetta, for that news. I have been so focused on this interesting table that nought else penetrates my noggin for the nonce.

Lemme see, Crumby.

All righty then.

Hmmm. Three columns and 15 rows. I can see how such an intricate table might totally absorb the Crumby Ovate to the exclusion of all that's auditory.

Yepper. But now Rayetta, I am all set to navigate the stygian darkness, with only Lleu Llaw's mournful cries to guide my feet out to where we have the gear set up. Bye.

Bye Crumby. Don't spook my cows!

All righty then.


Have you ever put tape on a microscope slide, expecting later to look at something on the microscope slide reflected on the tape? I probably have, but I can't remember where, when or why? Maybe that's why I was skeptical about focusing on a bright star and getting it to form an image on the tape. Especially, I was worried about all the air bubbles trapped between the tape and the slide. "Those air bubbles are bound to be detrimental to viewing" I surmised, correctly as things turned out, probably.


OK. I was fearfully right about the tape, but then I am always right about suchlike. So Lleu Llaw and I agree that the best focus of the star on the taped slide would be, the littlest and roundest we could get. We also agreed we would measure from the distal end of the exposed focuser tube to the top of the 1/25" ep adapter. That measurement, turned out to be 53 mm. Only one of the eps we use requires more than 53 mm for focus. That one is a Celstron 40 mm Kellner which focuses at 59 mm as measured, meaning that its focus is 6mm towards me, above the top of the adapter, maybe.

The rest of the measured ep focal planes were all positive, meaning they were all less the 53mm. The high powered ones, like the 4mm Ortho were a lot less. To focus that one the focuser has to move in a whopping 16 mm from the focuser focus at 53 mm. Also, I confirmed that the 18 and 12.5 mm X-Cels are not parfocal. There's between 0.5 and 1 mm difference in their focal planes. So I repeat! They are not, parfocal.

Now what I have to figure out is a couple of items. 1) Were we close enough for government work on the baseline focuser focus distance. 2) Does 1) matter since we have relative values for lots of eps.?



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