Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - Another Druid Dichotomy

Let's see. Which would I rather have for my treat today, some nice green leafy spinach or my delicious cinnamon bun. Spinach is one of my favorite leafy vegetables. I like it raw with Baalamic's Vinaigrette, sauteed in olive oil with garlic, baked up in a pie with mushrooms and cheese, scrambled with eggs and onions and more cheese. Mmmm, boy! On the other hand, there's my delicious cinnamon bun to consider. What would I do without my delicious weekly cinnamon bun? Well, I would be very upset, even aggravated, maybe. Somehow, considering all the facts, I suspect I shall choose my delicious cinnamon bun over spinach for my treat.

So! There's this bunch of rich white boys who take over the government. They tell everybody that the government is no account. The government needs to be friendly to the trickle down economy and small, they say. Then the rich boys set about making the government friendlier to the trickle down economy and virtually smaller. So now we have a friendlier and virtually smaller Food and Drug Administration. Mercy!


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