Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - Ramadan Ray

Yep. Like most of the Muslim world, I, Ray, am celebrating Ramadan. However, unlike the Muslim world, maybe, I know nothing about Ramadan. Nothing at all. I don't even know what Ramadan means. So today, to celebrate Ramadan, I am fixing to fry up some chickens and have those chickens with plenty of mashed potatoes and chicken gravy, and some peas and cornbread. Happy Ramadan everybody!

The real weather versus the virtual weather was interesting yesterday. The real weather was that we got 0.05 inches of rain in the guage, and, as I now note a wind shift. Plus the temperature has backed off from the mid 90s. But the virtual weather, had us all drowning and otherwise slaughtered by unprecedented atmostpheric phenomena. Obviously, the robot weather channel has been suborned, along with the rest of US, plus our US colonies, by the Kinglet's minions, working virtually hard to keep US safe, virtually.

Let's see, skipping around in my noggin, I wonder if I can think up some examples of how down-sizing and out-sourcing the government has worked out so far in the Iraq colony? Yep, I can think up a few. Praise the Goddess. Watch out for the Wicker Man!

Say, maybe in addition to an anthem, the miserable Iraqis need some more incentive to convert to the Mammonite Christian Republican faith. Perhaps, the Iraq colony needs a name change. How does Nuevo Tejas sound?


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