Saturday, September 23, 2006

Druid News Service - US Culture Today - Congress Unanimous, It’s OK to Torture All the Foreigners

Hi there US regular people and boys. I’m Ms. Hope Remains with today’s intermittent newsy news US culture feature, an intermittent service provided by the DNS.

Yep. It looks like it’s going to be OK to torture foreigners going forward. The retroactive torture of foreigners is OK too. So all you foreigners beyond the US Safe Homeland better watch out. If the Kinglet feels like you are fascists, or fascist sympathizers, first we are going to cluster bomb the bejesus out of you. Then we are going to round up the ones of you that survive, and you are going to get tortured without mercy until you tell us what we want to hear.

Consider this. Maybe we round up a thousand or two thousand of you. Every one of you is a fascist or fascist sympathizer. So each and every one of you is bound to know something our brave interrogators want to hear. Soon you’ll be begging for mercy after our brave interrogators get around to you. Course, that might take a few years. Meantime you get to rot in prison while our brave interrogators decide which ones of you to torture next.

Yep. US grand old white boys have done a deal. And the virtual democrats are hunky dory with the torture deal, too. Cause they don’t want to appear weak, as opposed to appearing virtually weak. Goodness gracious! Torture must be very, very good for the trickle down economy to garner so much support and enthusiasm, so quickly. And my goodness! Gas prices are already going down.

My goodness gracious sakes alive! This is Ms. Hope Remains, Ace Reporter, signing off for the DNS. Watch out for the Wicker Man!!!!


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