Monday, September 18, 2006

Crumby's Telescope Tomfoolery Notes - The Puppy Dogs

The resilient Crumby Ovate, generally recovered from the savage ear boxing lately received, plans another celestial adventure.

Let’s see here. We have a great many different celestial dogs, a sure sign of the dogs’s generic importance. Here they all are described in the out of print Golden Skyguide. Let’s sum them up. There’s Canis Major, the Big Dog, Canis Minor, the Little Dog, Puppis, the Littler Dog, sometimes known as Poop, and Canes Venatici, the Hunting Dogs. That’s a great many dogs, all righty then. Lleu Llaw Guffes, the Lion of the Steady Hand, and me, Crumby the Ovate, have our work cut out for us, espying all these canines. Perhaps, the skies shall clear anon, and we shall then proceed to the perusal of all these dogs with some attention to detail.

Here are some interesting potential facts noted in the out of print Golden Skyguide pertinent to the Big Dog of the Sky. “Sirius, the Dog Star, called by the Egyptians, Sothis, is the brightest object in the sky except for the Sun, Moon, Venus and Jupiter. At 9 lt-yr, it is the fifth closest star to Earth. It’s 9th magnitude companion, the Pup, 10".3 away, is a white dwarf orbiting Sirius every 49.9 years.”

So, in addition to all the dogs listed above, there is also this white dwarf Pup. Mercy!

Whoa! This is disturbing. "Dog days" are a hot period in summer when Sirius, high in the daytime sky, adds to the Sun's heat. Mercy! I would never have thought of that on my own. Sirius is invisible during the daytime.

Oh Crumby!

Uh, oh.

It’s time for another Potential Safety Topic - Environmental Hazards - firearms safety refresher class.

Dang! All righty then, I’ll be right there, Lovely Druidess Rayetta.

Hurry up Crumby, Red is getting aggravated.

Jeez Louise! I’m coming along, expeditiously as I am able.

Crumby’s first actual thought, (engendered possibly from his evil Mammonite Christian past), upon hearing the musical voice of the Lovely Druidess, was to fake deafness, attributing the deafness to the ear boxing he had lately received at the hands of the Lovely Druidess. But Crumby’s second thought, was to think better on that option and go along expeditiously like a Druid.

The Arkdruid


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