Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - Thoughtless

Yep, today I am thoughtless or nearly so. That's the way it goes when you're an orphan, raised by kindly aquatic mammals, then suddenly turned out of the mole hill. There I was, turned out, wandering along, sadly bereft of all my fossorial friends, with only my bossy sister for company.

"Change me Rayetta, I need another change!" I'd holler. But my sister would say,
Hmmm. Ray, you shall use that diaper more than once or learn to change
So it's no wonder I am intermittently thoughtless, reckless and fey. Then, Praise the Goddess, Badgemagus Swineherd, Ph. D., rescued me and Rayetta from our perilous wanderings.

I'm not sure how many diaper changes I went through before Dr. Swineherd found us. But it could have been a great many. Since Rayetta and me only had one diaper each, we would sneak into houses when nobody was looking just to wash and dry our diapers. That's mostly all I did in those days, wash and dry my diaper, or fret over the condition of my diaper.

From whence doth the irony that so afflicts many, come hence from? Could my diaper, be the very artifiact that has afflicted me so with irony? Possibly.

Rayetta is sentimental about our early years. She keeps our diapers in the cedar chest. On our pretend birthday, Rayetta brings forth the diapers and spells,
So you think you had it tough. Well here's my baby clothes, and here's Ray's.
And there my diaper is, in a vacuum sealed zip-loc, pay dirt and all. Mercy!


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