Friday, November 17, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - First Frost

Sometime this morning occurred first frost. The blossoms and the butterflies are thinned out as a consequence. Mercy. No rain and cold are hard on the little wonders in these parts. Yea verily, my bosom companion suffers along with the little wonders out in the Wilderness. I need to slip a treat in Crumby's supply sack. He likes apricot fried pies.

Meantime our ignoramus Kinglet has gone off to Vietnam. Odd timing for that considering his ignoramus focus on the Domino Theory. But hark, back here in the Homeland, Kinglet wannabe McCain has decided we all need some common sense conservatism, as opposed to the compassionate variety espoused by the current Kinglet. Whoa! Common sense conservatism? That must be the common sense shared by McCain and who else? Who else shares McCain's common sense? Not me, so by definition, whatever McCain is moaning over, is not common sense.

The conservatives have run US for a good many years now, and it's clear that the apt adjective for conservatism is parasitic, as in, parasitic conservatism. Yep, they're just ticks, sucking the planet dry.

And just look at them now, post election. Disavowing their own actions. Mercy, Jesus got more cover from his disciples than the Kinglet is getting from his compassionate conservative buddies. Oooooh! The Kinglet's not a real conservative. Ooooooh! We didn't really believe we should loot the treasury. Ooooooh! We aren't really colonialists. Oooooh!

Jeez Louise, what a bunch of candy asses!

Homeland conservatism can be summed up in two words, trickle down: a bunch of gluttons owning and controlling the whole planet and everyone else awaiting the trickle down.


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