Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - I Pity the Poor Foreigner

Raymone, remember to wear your disguise today, buddy. Don't go outside looking like a Frenchman.

Oui, Monsieur Ray.

Mercy! I pity the poor foreigner that washes up on the shores of these parts. That foreigner is liable to be arrested, held indefinitely, and tortured. Mercy! Oh well. This just goes to show how humans and proto humans need to stay where they belong.

The Druid News Service (DNS) suddenly receives an encrypted message from an undisclosed secret location.

Ray, sugar, I need to get in the venue.

All righty then, Hope.

Hi there boys and regular people. This is Ms. Hope Remains, Ace Reporter. Goodness gracious, I have just received a secret message coded in braille Pig Latin. The message can only be from Vice Minister Chitlin. Land sakes! All righty then.

According to Vice Minister Chitlin, the alien space armada from Deneb Kaitos is fixing to take up positions in our very own solar system. Soon the alien space armada will zoom down to Iraq and begin loading up all the miserable Iraqis. Once on board the alien space ships, all the miserable Iraqis will receive ray guns and see through goggles. Then the miserable Iraqis will be airlifted to the Homeland, zooming along in the monstrous alien space ships. When the alien craft arrive in the innocent Homeland, the monstrous alien space ship doors shall be flung open and the miserable Iraqis shall be released on every street corner of the innocent Homeland. Fortunately, since the miserable Iraqis are foreigners, US can arrest them, hold them indefinitely, and torture the bejesus out of them. Ha! The welcome those miserable Iraqis shall get in the innocent Homeland will make them feel right at home. Ha!

Goodness gracious sakes alive!!!!


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