Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - More Abstruse Weather

Here it is, nigh onto December of the Julian, and I am fretting over chafing myself due to the heat out yonder, a werkin' in the sun. Today, it showered a tad, but not sufficient to up the yearly total, stuck on 17.5".

Tomorrow, a great norther shall blow through late, maybe. Here's hoping some rain shall precede its passage.

Whoa! As everyone with a lick of sense knows, our Kinglet is a worthless piece of shit; a pampered candy ass selected to be Kinglet by the Homeland ruling class, itself a product of a collapsed gene pool and our failure to get a grip on inheritance. So now Our Kinglet will blame the poor old miserable Iraqi whatsit for the failure of His whatsit policy, in miserable Iraq. But don't worry Trickle Downers. We still have genocide as a hole card. And what better bunch to genocide than a bunch of miserable Iraqis?

But hark! If we procedurally genocide the miserable Iraqis, who shall roustabout the rigs. No problemo, dudes and dudettes. There's plenty of surplus rig roustabouters that may be induced to relocate to a depopulated miserable Iraq. Mercy! There shall be plenty of milk and honey for those immigrant roustabouts. Watch out for the Wickerman!!!!


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