Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - Habits are Hard to Break, Maybe

Yep. Maybe someday the present quitter will at last get buried. Personally, I wish they'd hurry it up, you know, since I'm a taxpayer. Yessir, I support burying the quitters expeditiously, cause I pay taxes.

The no accountabilty for Kinglets is a long term phenomena in the Homeland. But let's hone in on the fairly recent, beginning with Vietnam, the temporary colony. Big Kinglet Lyndon lied and lied and lied. Cost US lots and big Lyndon walked. Kinglet Dick, Big Kinglet Lyndon's successor, kept on, keeping on, lying and lying. But Holy Mammonite, Kinglet Dick, decided to break the law, afflicting not only the usual suspects, but egad, the Democrats. The very same law he gave an oath to enforce. Yepper. An oath from a liar is no oath at all.

So along comes Kinglet Gerald. Kinglet Gerald forgives Kinglet Dick for shiving the Laws of the Land. All righty then. That's the habit that's hard to break. From then on it's Okie Dokie for Mammonite Kinglets to shiv the Laws of the Land. If they do, shiv the Laws of the Land, they'll get a pardon.

Skipping Kinglet Ronald, whose minions deserved many more pardons than they actually got, check out the current ignoramus Kinglet. Goodness gracious sakes!, as one of my beautiful girlfriends is prone to holler. This current Kinglet is into the habit, big-time. If this Kinglet walks, the Wicker Man will get you, fer sure.


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