Thursday, February 15, 2007

Crumby - I Pity the Miserable Iraqi Immigrants, Maybe

It is always a good idea to stay where one belongs. Yet a couple of million miserable Iraqis have fled miserable Iraq. These miserable Iraqis have indeed abandoned their homeland, refusing to stand up for Chitlin. They have indeed, run off. How will Chitlin and Associates ever get the flat tax and air conditioning up and running in miserable Iraq, if all that miserable Iraqis with money to pay the flat tax and operate an AC, run off? Where did they get the money to run off with? It takes some handy cash, to run off, with.

Oh well, ask a Bee what the Druids know regarding answers to these interesting questions, if you can identify a Bee, by yourself. Also, you may have trouble actually finding a Bee.

Anyway, the Kinglet, Chitlin and Associates have decided that US is shirking our responsibility to the miserable Iraqis that have refused to stand up for Chitlin and run off. So following our long tradition of granting asylum to various environmental refugees, we are fixing to welcome more miserable Iraqis to these shores. Previous to now, we have welcomed hardly any miserable Iraqi environmental refugees to these shores. But now we are feeling guilty about having contributed slightly to the degradation of the human environment in miserable Iraq. Here they come.

Perhaps we shall soon espy the return of Ahmed Chalabi to these shores. Remember Ahmed? Ahmed may know where the money went. Yep. Soon you may be lucky enough to espy Ahmed at your favorite shopping mall, boosting the local economy.


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